See below for the full list of injustice in Malaysia that has yet to be resolve!

Under 52 years of BN/UMNO rule, many injustice, corruption and crime has been committed by their cronies! Below is just some of the case that I can keep track! If you have more, please feel free to let me know so I can add to it!



Thursday, March 31, 2011

What will it take to kick out an old white man!

I am really sad as a Malaysian to read and see this!
I pray all Sarawakian wake up and kick out the old white man!!

Taken from Malaysiakini

The Google Earth satellite images collected and published by show that the forests in Sarawak are much more sparse and criss-crossed with logging tracks compared with that in neighbouring Kalimantan, Indonesia, and in Brunei. According to the website, which has also been cited by Yale University publication environment360 on the same topic, the images were sourced from GeoEye, TerraMetrics, Tele Atlas, Europa Technologies and other satellite feed.

“(The images) show logging roads snaking across Sarawak's forest areas. Forests across international borders are substantially less impacted,” it reported. When accessed by Malaysiakini, the publicly available Google Earth application corresponds with Mongabay's assertions.

Only 10 percent of virgin rainforests remain

Taib's government has of late been the target of heated attacks from advocacy groups, which claim that satellite images show that only about 10 percent of Sarawak's virgin rainforests remain. These groups include the Swiss-based Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), which was founded in the memory of environmentalist Bruno Manser, one of the Sarawak government's most vocal critics until he mysteriously disappeared in 2000. In insisting that 70 percent of the forests have not been touched, Taib told the Borneo Post that his government was open to international inspection. This was, however, met with doubts by BMF, which was quoted byMongabay as saying that Taib has consistently refused inspection from the International Tropical Timber Organisation since 1991. Mongabay was founded by mathematician-economist Rhett A Butler, who turned environmentalist after a first-hand experience of a forest razing in Sabah.

The website receives about 1 million hits a month and was named one of Time Magazine's 15 top green websites in its April 2008 edition.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Are a bunch of gangsters running this country?

The most recent act by Umno to try and kill off Anwar with a lowly sex video moved me to write this article. Because it increasingly feels like we are living in a country run by gangsters. What characterises gangsters? Is there any difference between what gangsters do and what Umno is doing?

For example, the use of force, fear, bribes, threats, violence, deceit, unchallengeable positions, indulgence, and parasitic existence and not worrying about appearances would be a reasonable answer to the first question.

To answer the second question, “Is there any difference?” I will examine how Umno performs in many of these dimensions to answer that question.

1. Force – The police, the Attorney-General's Office, the courts (I will call them the Unholy Trio from now on) are the instruments of force of Umno.

You see them figuring prominently in all occasions where Umno's acts of lawlessness are questioned. Being involved with Hindraf Makkal Sakthi, I can tell you that, without batting an eyelid – our people are constantly threatened with detention under ISA, or with charges of sedition, or are charged with being involved in an illegal organisation after Umno unconstitutionally and unlawfully outlawed Hindraf.

The form of force used and the way it is administered may vary in specifics between the gangsters and Umno but in essence they are the same – Umno and the gangsters equally resort to force because that is the sole source of their power.

Umno has lost its moral legitimacy in its claim for power and hangs on to power only because of the control of the instruments of force – the Unholy Trio being the prime instruments. The gangsters never had moral or legitimate basis for claims to power, their claim to power hinges only on one thing – the use of raw and brutal force.

2. Fear – Umno so readily instills fear just like the local gangsters.

Umno uses the Unholy Trio along with the media, and when necessary the underworld members to achieve this. The police have a special unit called the Special Branch just for this – the Malaysian Gestapo. Every so often we see battalions of the Light Strike Force or the Federal Reserve Units called in to disallow, to disrupt or to frighten off citizen's gatherings.

You should have seen the hundreds at the anti – Interlok forums throughout the country and the thousands at KLCC for Hindraf's Solidarity March against Umno's racism. This is exactly the kind of behaviour of a local gang boss. What the gang boss does is what Umno is doing.

3. Threats – The laws enacted by Umno – ISA, Publishing and Printing Presses Act, Official Secrets Act, Sedition Act, Police Act and even the MACC are all actually devices crafted by Umno that threaten all those who dare cross the line

This is the primary purpose of these acts and organisations, though more noble intentions are proffered to legitimise them. But the true intentions of these are to act as a sword over the heads of any that dare.

The media for its part carries statements from time to time from the ministers, from the IGP, from the attorney-general, from Umno stalwarts, from right wing group Perkasa or carries images and reports of the police overpowering any attempts to challenge them or of right wing demonstrations threatening the rest.

But the purpose is singular – to pre-empt potential trouble makers. The gang bosses just use outright threats, they do not need these more sophisticated devices. As the saying goes, cut the throat of one chicken in front of all the monkeys so the monkeys will behave themselves. In that sense the devices of threatening may be different, but both Umno and gangsters use threats to remain in power.

4. Violence – What happened in Kampung Medan in 2005 is a clear example of the workings of the Unholy Trio, the media and the underworld in the meting out of violence whenever they see a need.

A little further back we had the May 13 riots and May 13 is still a keyword for violence . Hundreds of police killings and maiming continue till today in Umno's police stations. The police in the fore and the Armed Forces at the back are nothing more than Umno's killing machines. The threat of violence that Umno can unleash, should it decide to, is what holds much of the opposition back. Violence is the bread and butter of gangsters and it is the bread and butter of Umno. Umno and gangsters both understand this very well.

5. Bribes – When expediency requires and it is wiser, then Umno bribes to clear their way of trouble makers.

They buy up leaders of groups outside their circle of influence. They make 'mafia offers'. They use skeletons in cupboards to assist them, as we see regularly happening in buying up of the opposition members of the legislature.

Other forms of bribery, we see during elections. There is a free flow of gifts, goodies and promises. These are tidbits used to corrupt and remove obstacles or create perceptions while Umno walks away with the loot – to Umno these bribes are nothing more than the cost of doing business. Gangsters for their part use bribes to share their bounty when attempting to get at very large bounties. It is a cost of doing business for them too.

6. Unchallengeable positions – Umno's positions on issues are unchallengeable, just like it is with the local gangster. You challenge at the risk of losing everything.

When you challenge they fight tooth and nail so you do not get what you seek, on the contrary they make you lose further with intense vindictiveness. A case in point is the Interlok novel issue. The book remains in the curriculum, meanwhile the rest who voiced dissatisfaction get beaten up and charged in courts for speaking up.

Another clear case in point is what Umno is doing to Anwar Ibrahim. He gets all kinds of nonsense thrown at him and with increasing frequency just because he dares to challenge the Umnoputras. A challenge at a great personal risk – they will ruin you if they can. They feel their position must not be challenged.

This is very clearly the ways of gangsters too. The hallmark of a gangleader is one who has overcome all those who have challenged him, and anyone who challenges the leader must lose or the leader loses his basis to continue as a leader. This is precisely the case with Najib vis a vis Umno, and Umno al vis a vis the people.

7. Deceit – 'Biji setelor, riuh sekampung' as the Malay proverb goes. Umno throws a tidbit here, a tidbit there and the media steps in and creates perceptions of a totally benevolent and caring Umno.

Umno holds the reins of the media tight. Umno is able to manufacture perceptions to the people that are so far removed from the truth that the lies are more real the reality itself. You speak the truth and no one listens to you, for they think you are distorting the facts for personal advantage. Umno has established a monopoly over their minds and Umno will do with it what they want. They deceive the people and leave the rest of us biting the mud.

Umno, caught between getting the non-Malay votes and increasing their appeal to the Malays, use their outsourced vehicle Perkasa to create a perception of the Malays losing out to the non-Malays because the Malays are split.

The reality is both the Malay and non-Malay people are losing out to the Umno leaders and their non-Malay elite accomplices, as they use this perception to delude the people and walk off with the loot. No one really listens to this truth, they think it is distorted for personal use. This is a very refined deceit-making machine that we are up against.

On this count Umno has improved over the gangsters, recognising they have to operate within a community of nations and have to be seen to be in accord with the norms of civilisation. They worry about how they will be perceived, they need to legitimise their position, while the gangster does not have to.

So, except for this last point there is really not much difference between gangsters running this country and Umno running this country. Umno is nothing short of being dignified gangsters. This truth may look far- fetched, but you think about what I have said, deeply. Just think about it.

If you agree, then do not be the person Umno, the gangster wants you to be, the meek and powerless person. Look at what is happening in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen. When all the people get together, the empire crumbles, because the true sovereign is the people united. We have to move out and into the light, to a future based on competence, not on force.

The people have to get out from the grips of gangsters.

The writer is a member of Hindraf.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

BN's Fatal Screw Up!

Gleefully following the victories of the people against one government after another in North Africa and the Middle East, I keep recalling that these revolutions were ultimately triggered by the death of just one young man, Mohamed Bouazizi, in Tunisia.

That proved the tipping point, the final straw that raised popular resentment against decades of corruption, repression and injustice to what nuclear scientists call 'critical mass', resulting in the chain reaction that's already blown several regimes away and still threatens a great many others.

So, as a long-time loather of Malaysia's Barisan Nasional regime, I've been closely watching to see if it would succumb to the fall-out of the Arab revolt, or survive to later implode of its own accord.

malaysia and nuclear reactor and technologyBut now I suspect that the seeds of BN's destruction have been sown, not by explosive events in the Arab world, but by the ongoing nuclear emergency in earthquake- and tsunami-devastated northern Japan.

The Malaysian government's astonishing arrogance in insisting that it would proceed with plans to build nuclear power stations despite the waves of fear unleashed on the Japanese people by damage to four of its reactors could well, I believe, prove its long-deserved downfall.

Of all the countless crimes and screw-ups the BN regime has committed, surely this one shows the most callous disregard for the well-being of Malaysian citizens.

And could well finally unite Malaysians in a way that no fake “1Malaysia” slogan ever could, in the realisation that all that drives BN is its greed for graft-riddled mega-projects at the expense of Malaysian people of all races and creeds.

azlanOf course this God-forsaken government does its damndest, under cover of the “1Malaysia” mantra, to demonstrate that it is Muslim- and Malay-friendly. Its tolerance of the so-called “cow's-head” outrage against Hindu Malaysians a couple of years ago, later fire-bombings of Christian places of worship, and the recent banning and subsequent desecration of a shipment of Bahasa-language bibles have all, no doubt, been engineered to dramatise its 'defence' of Islam.

But it also routinely outrages the values of Islam and any other religion I know of with crimes against the people at large.

No sure recourse to the law

And the destruction of the independence and integrity of Malaysia's judiciary, starting with Mahathir's sacking of the Lord President back in 1988, has left Malaysian citizens with no sure recourse to the law in defence of their rights and liberties, or in the face of government corruption and other forms of criminality.

This is starkly evident in legal, or rather highly illegal, fiascos like the Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trials, the show-trial of selected suspects in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case, and so-called 'royal commissions' into the police force, the fixing of judicial appointments and the death of the unfortunate Teoh Beng Hock following questioning at MACC headquarters.

Citizens also have no chance of redress or prospect of justice when they're victimised by the police, as in countless suspicious fatal 'shoot-outs' and beatings and deaths in custody.

The law, so-called, clearly doesn't apply to BN politicians and cronies, with a long list of high-level figures suspected of massive corruption, including Rafidah Aziz, S Samy Vellu and Abdul Taib Mahmud, not to mention former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, going uninvestigated, let alone prosecuted. And a long list of others half-heartedly tried and found innocent.

And most notoriously, in the Altantuya murder case, Najib Abdul Razak, though clearly at least peripherally implicated, was permitted to swear his innocence and indeed ignorance on the Quran rather than being called or even mentioned in court.

That the Malaysian populace hasn't been outraged to the point of revolt by decades of such illegality and criminality is testament to the BN regime's success in concealing and spinning the truth in its lying mainstream media.

But thanks to the power and pervasiveness of the same wireless, borderless communications technologies that have enabled revolutions in the Arab world, BN's attempts to cover-up its crimes are increasingly resulting in screw-ups.

azlanThe expensive hiring of Apco Worldwide, a PR and lobbying organisation that was quickly identified as being Israeli owned, was and remains an idiotic hypocrisy by a regime that has long underlined its Islamic credentials by refusing to recognise the existence of Israel.

And many of the BN regime's presumably Apco-inspired PR campaigns have blown-up in its face. The “1Malaysia. People first. Performance now” slogan, for example, which Najib Razak claims bears no relationship to earlier efforts elsewhere like “1Israel” and “1Singapore”, is widely seen as a stupid, cynical joke.

Chorus of scorn and derision

Even more disconcerting for Apco and its BN clients must be the chorus of scorn and derision that has greeted concerted and very costly attempts to transform Najib's wife into a saintly First Lady of Malaysia figure.

Firstly she was alleged in an anonymously-paid advertisement in theNew York Times to have received an international humanitarian award that apparently didn't previously exist, from an organisation nobody had heard of.

Next she was credited by the government and its prostituted media with an outstanding act of national motherhood in 'rescuing' Malaysian, or rather Malay, students from the unrest in Cairo.

azlanSome of Malaysia's more naive citizens appeared to be taken in by this, so the regime and its PR people were emboldened to give the First Lady of Malaysia (FLOM) an official office in Putrajaya and a slot on the government website.

But this proved a step too far for a great many perceptive and outspoken Malaysians, and thus yet another screw-up that the mendacious Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Nazri Aziz, had to explain away.

Nothing daunted, however, by this failure on the FLOM front, now it appears that the BN/Apco gang has embarked on what could well prove its most spectacular screw-up so far: the revelation by a mysterious “Datuk T” of a video allegedly starring Anwar Ibrahim in a sex-romp with a Chinese prostitute.

Judging by the initial public reaction I've seen, this could well prove the final, fatal boo-boo that I've been waiting so long for BN to commit. But if not, and the Malaysian people decide they still haven't had enough of BN's obscene, criminal screw-ups, then there's always the nuclear power issue ticking away like a time-bomb, and threatening to achieve critical mass at any moment.

DEAN JOHNS, after many years in Asia, currently lives with his Malaysian-born wife and daughter in Sydney, where he mentors creative writing groups. Already published in Kuala Lumpur is a third book of his columns for Malaysiakini, following earlier collections 'Mad about Malaysia' and 'Even Madder about Malaysia'.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I think MCA & Gerakan just got raped my Nazri! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Decide for yourself if Chinese should support a party like MCA that gets such trashing from its UMNO partners!

(From Malaysiakini)
NONEIn an exclusive interview published by local Chinese daily Nanyang Siang Pau today, Nazri lashed out at MCA, saying the party has been putting the blame on Umno for its own failure to regain Chinese support.

He challenged MCA to quit BN if it was not happy, instead of "scolding Umno every day".

"MCA is like a wife who keeps complaining to outsiders that she has been detained, sexually abused and denied food by her husband, but she refuses to divorce."

Nazri also warned Chua not to act like a "Chinese hero", shoring up his reputation by condemning Umno.

He even poked fun at Chua's sex DVD scandal, saying the latter would not be welcomed by voters as his private part had been exposed to the public.

"... has been viewed by all people, you think the female voters will support him?" Nazri said in the Nanyang interview.

He did not spare another BN component party, Gerakan, either, saying its situation was worse than MCA's because Gerakan "is a party without grassroot".

gan ping sieu on sport betting 250610 02In response to this, MCA vice-president Gan Ping Sieu said Nazri's statements reeked of delusion, amnesia, inertia and arrogance.

"It is such statements from a senior member in Umno that will alienate the Chinese voters, including MCA members, just as the community is starting to show signs of returning to the BN fold under the prime minister's leadership.

"I am worried that the timing of such arrogant remarks will affect BN's chances in the coming Sarawak polls, especially in Chinese seats where we can expect tough battles," added the deputy minister for youth and sports.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Home Minister says Defacement of the Bible is Standard Practice!!

The home ministry has defended its decision to place a ministry stamp on copies of the Al-Kitab Bible that were impounded in Port Klang and in Kuching, saying that it was not “defacement” but standard practice. (taken from Malaysiakini)

NONE"(They were stamped) based on amalan (the standard practice) before...(like) even during (former premiers) Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) and Pak Lah's (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's) time.

"There was no intention to deface the Bible... we will not entertain this kind of talk," Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein (left in photo) said at a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.

Hishammuddin also dismissed claims by the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM), that stamping serial numbers on the holy book was a new practice.

NONE"I am hearing all sorts of talk, about the size of the stamp, the colour of the ink... if they want to find fault they will find fault... you can even say the Bibles are smelly after being kept for so long

"It is not a real big issue to me... we have engaged (BSM) but you can only engage with people who want to engage, and resolve issues with people who want them to be resolved," he said.

OH! The arrogance of this UMNO man!!!

economic transformation programme 210910 idris jala 02
In a press statement earlier, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Idris Jala said that the Bibles would be release in accordance with the 1982 gazette under the Internal Security Act, which allows for the import of the Bible in the Malay language for the use of Christians in Sabah and Sarawak.

However, Christian Federation of Malaysia chairperson Bishop Ng Moon Hing was not happy to this response.

He said, "This is Idris' way of handling things. (The government) wants it to look like it is the one giving in, when it should have followed the gazette in the first place. In fact, it is we who have lost so much ground," the bishop said.

Ng said the gazette was unsettling, since placing the Malay language Bible under the Internal Security Act meant the holy book was considered an issue of national security.

"CFM has always taken the position that the Bible is not a threat and contains nothing to threaten national security.

"All along, we Christians have never wanted to take a confrontational path, and have appealed against the (classification of the Bible under the ISA), but it has gone on for far too long," Ng added.




I prefer PAS!! At least they talk with moderation more than UMNO! Prove is here!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BN- Home Ministry Violates Dignity of the BIBLE!!

Hishammudin and his Home Ministry must answer for this OUTRAGE!!!
Not only have they kept the Bible for 2years! But now they have violated the Bibles without permission!!

I call on all Christian in Malaysia to show that they will not stand for this great injustice and make sure that Najib, Hishamemoodin and BN not come back to power in the next Election!!

The 5,100 Malay-language Bibles which have been impounded at Port Klang for about two years, have been stamped with a Home Ministry reminder on its front pages without the consent of the importers. azlanAccording to the importer, the Bible Society of Malaysia, the Home Ministry had stamped the Bibles with words that were different from what was agreed upon between its representatives and the ministry, as stated in a letter on Dec 22, 2005. Also stamped onto the Bibles were areas to print serial numbers. In a statement issued late this afternoon, the importer said that it was informed that the ministry had done so when a ministry representative called them to collect the shipment. "At 5pm today, KDN informed Bible Society of Malaysia that they had already (stamped) the Bibles and asked Bible Society of Malaysia to come collect the Bibles," it said.

According to the society, the ministry had stamped spaces for the serial numbers into the Bibles and the words "Al Kitab Berita Baik ini untuk kegunaan penganut agama Kristian sahaja" ('This "Al Kitab Berita Baik" is only for use by Christians only.")

'We should have been consulted'

In the 2005 letter, the society added, the ministry had agreed to allow the import of Malay-language Bibles provided that the sign of the cross and the words 'Penerbitan Kristian' (Christian publication) be embossed onto the covers by the Christians themselves. "As the Bible is the holy book of the Christians, due respect should be given to it by consulting the relevant Christian representative organs before any external text is inserted into the Bibles," said the society. It added that it was "alarmed" by the notification and is now urging the ministry to stop stamping the Bibles with such wordings. An urgent letter was also faxed to the Home Ministry secretary-general Mahmood Adam urging for a negotiation of the terms of the Bibles' release that will not "mencerobohi maruah (violate the dignity) of the holy books". Putrajaya had decided to release the Bibles from impoundment yesterday, claiming that it is upholding an 1982 Internal Security Act gazette allowing the import of Malay-language Bibles.

It also claimed that the decision was made upon advice by the attorney-general, who said the Bibles would not impact the government's appeal against the ruling on the use of the word 'Allah' by Catholic publication The Herald.

BN Turns Communist with Bible Conditions!

Catholic bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing has denounced the two conditions imposed by the Home Ministry for the release of detained consignments of 'Al-Kitab' as "crass forms of censorship redolent of the communist era".

bishop paul tanThe president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference, speaking toMalaysiakini in his capacity as titular head of the Malacca-Johor diocese, said the news of thegovernment's release yesterday of the detained consignment was "welcome but the two conditions are plainly unacceptable".

The two conditions, conveyed by the Home Ministry to the importer of the copies in Kuching, were that each copy should carry a serial number and should be stamped 'For Christians Only'.

"The two conditions smack of crass forms of censorship redolent of the communist era when reading material was the monopoly of the reigning oligarchy," decried Bishop Paul.

"The two conditions are flatly unacceptable to Christians who are duty bound to bring the good news of salvation to all who want to listen.

"In Malaysia, we draw a line on this dissemination where Muslims are concerned because the law of the land prohibits proselytising among Muslims.

"In this respect, we defer to Caesar what Caesar has legislated but the two tacked on stipulations in this instance are egregious and flatly unacceptable."

Bishop's analogy

The shipment arrived at Kuching Port on Jan 11, but the consignee was advised against taking it out the following day as the copies contain the word 'Allah'.

The 30,000 copies, costing US$26,400, were printed in Indonesia for distribution to churches, schools and longhouses mostly in Betong and Saratok areas.

Bishop Paul described the two conditions as akin to releasing a prisoner who has been unjustifiably detained and then slapping him with a restricted residence order.

"After telling the prisoner that he is free, you tell him that he has to stay indoors between dusk to dawn," he said.

"You may as well put him back in prison," chided the prelate.

More related post here!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just don't make sense!

Been reading about Anwar vs Saiful Bukhari case!


1. How does a 63 year old man who spend 10 years in jail with bad back rape a young healthy 23 year old man!

And this is not a small guy! I mean he is tall!

If the sex was not consensual, how did an old man force himself onto a strapping young man 23 years of age (as noted by the analysts in Malaysiakini)? Were there accomplices? Was he drugged?

2. If he was sexually assaulted by Anwar Ibrahim, then why did he allow Anwar to get away with it more than once (based on his police report)?

3. Based on today's Star report how did he allow Anwar to fondled his breast for half an hour!

4. Also based on today's report , Even through Saiful had objected... Anwar somehow managed to lubricate himself/Saiful, penetrated Saiful and rape him long enough until Anwar managed to ejaculate inside him. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!! Saiful is not 12! He is 23! A fully grown man!! Anwar is an old man!!!

4. How will he address all the concerns about his pictures with government ministers floating around the net? Why did he visit Najib before he made the report?!?

5. How did he not shower, shit or wash his mouth for a few days?!?


6. Finally why are all the Bapuk in Chow Kit (some of whom are Malays, still running around freely selling their ass for RM20) without the Police catching them?!?

7. Why so much resources of the Govt, the AG office and the Courts on this man?!?

If he was that bad! Please go catch him for something that is more believable!!

More injustice in Kangaroo Court of M'sia

Lets remember these bias judges and the good ones and ask for the sacking of the bias one when PKR comes to power!

The Court of Appeal has thrown out Hindraf legal adviser P Uthayakumar's defamation suit against a former inspector-general of police (IGP) and attorney-general over their claims that he has links with terrorist organisations.

NONEIn a 2-1 decision, the three-member bench ruled that the statements by the two respondents were directed at Hindraf, and not at Uthayakumar (left in photo).

In addition, the court ruled that Hindraf has been declared an illegal organisation and it therefore had nolocus standi to pursue legal action.

Justice KN Segara pointed to two news reports published on Dec 7, 2007, before Uthayakumar's arrest under the Internal Security Act (ISA) six days later.

"It is blatantly clear that the alleged defamatory statements were not directed at him (the plaintiff)," Segara said.

Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim agreed with his view.

Dissenting judge Justice Hishamudin Mohd Yunus said a subsequent statement published by Star on Dec 15, 2007, quoted IGP Musa Hassan as referring to Uthayakumar as having links to terrorist organisations.

"The IGP was referring to the plaintiff and four others detained under the ISA," he said.

Hism manoharanhamudin said he was not satisfied that the plaintiff's statement of claim was not sustainable, as ruled by the majority decision.

"The plaintiff ought to be given his day in the High Court to give evidence," he said.

Uthayakumar's counsel M Manoharan(left) praised Hishamudin for his judgment.
"In view of this, we will appeal to the Federal Court," he told reporters outside the court.

The dissenting judge, he added. was among the "few good souls" in the judiciary.

'Outrageous claim'

Manoharan, who had been detained with Uthayakumar under the ISA, said AG Abdul Gani Patail should not have attempted to strike out the case.

NONEIf Gani (right) had proof of Uthayakumar's or Hindraf's 'terrorist links', he should have proved it in the course of the suit.

"Not a single shred of evidence shown so far back Musa's and Gani's claims," Manoharan said.

Disagreeing with the majority decision, Manoharan pointed out that the grounds for the ISA detention clearly stated that Uthayakumar had links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), the Tamil separatist movement in Sri Lanka.

"(The claim against my client) is clearly defamatory and outrageous. It is terrible to say such things and put us behind bars for 514 days. Now they are preventhing Uthayakumar from having his day in court.

"There is no such thing as striking out a defamation suit unless it is plainly not sustainable, such as in the case of suing the wrong parties. But here, there is a case."

'Wrongful claim'

Uthayakumar said the authorities were trying to get away scot-free by wrongfully claiming that he had terrorist links, and later using this as a reason to detain him under the ISA.

"Terrorists go by the barrel of the gun. We as human rights lawyers go by the nib of our pens," he said.

He said that he has been denied justice, as he has not been allowed to pursue his suit in the High Court.

"I am a lawyer of 20 years' standing. If justice is not served on me, I dread to think what (kind of) justice the man-on-the-street will get."

n his statement of claim, Uthayakumar had said Musa's statementhad portrayed him as a terrorist and that he had intent to use violence to overthrow the government.

musa hassan police igp forceOn Dec 6, 2007, Musa (left) wasreported to have said: "Of late, there have been indications that Hindraf is trying to seek support and help from terrorist groups."

A day earlier, Gani told the High Court
in Shah Alam, when applying to reject bail for 31 Hindraf supporters charged with illegal assembly, that Hindraf representatives had met with LTTE members.

Uthayakumar's RM100 million defamation suit against Musa and Abdul Gani was initially heard by Judicial Commissioner Zabariah Mohd Yusof.

On April 8, 2009, she dismissed an application by the respondents to strike out the suit.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

If U dun help us, we won't help U! This is our strategy!!!

This is how a senior BN leader treats the people of Malaysia!

NONESarawak United Peoples' Party (SUPP) president and Deputy Chief Minister George Chan told some 5,000 delegates at the state BN convention that if voters refuse to back BN, the ruling coalition will not help them when it returns to power.

He recounted the bitter lesson from the Sibu by-election in which Najib had given RM15 million to Chinese schools, but BN "tetap mati" (still died).

"I always believe in 'you help me, I help you', and that it is not right if 'I help you, you makan (eat) me'. I don't believe our people are like that."

Then he issued his warning.

"If you don't help us, when we are back (in power), we don't help you. That's our strategy."

Chan said this when debating the keynote address delivered earlier today by Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Chan's session was closed to media but his speech could be heard through a loudspeaker set up outside the convention hall.

I can understand if this statement comes from the leader of a gangster but isn't it the duty of the state govt to help all it's people regardless of political affiliation?!! The resources of the State belongs to all Sarawak people!
But this clearly reflects the mentality of the BN leaders who treats the resources of the Malaysian
people as their own piggy bank and distribute it among their own cronies!

Defer unpopular policies

Meanwhile, Chan also called on the federal government to defer unpopular policies until BN is done with the state election.

"For example, stop the increase of petrol prices. We hope the federal leaders will not increase it in the next two to three months," he said.

During today's one-day convention, held to consolidate the ruling coalition before it faces the state election expected to be called next month, BN leaders from the component parties called on each other to enhance coalition unity.

This again reflects the insincerity of this BN leader who are prepared to be nice to the people before the election but don't care about the people after the election!!

I just hope the people of Sarawak are not as dumb as what the BN leaders think they are!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Malaysia's merry 'buy-elections' Who needs Christmas!?

COMMENT Malaysia is perhaps the only country where the death of an elected representative brings jubilation to the local residents.

Is it because elected representatives are generally hated by the people? No.

It is because a by-election will take place following the death of the elected representative.

Why should that bring joy to the local people?

It is because when the by-election comes, Santa Claus will also come. He will bring all kinds of gifts and he will make your dreams come true.

And who is that Santa Claus?

He is none other than the ruling coalition which has ruled the country all these 53 years after the country's independence.

Rampant election corruption

No sooner is the dead buried, you will see the physical transformation of the constituency. Workmen working around the clock will start sprucing up the area. Amenities that are lacking or have been in disrepair for ages are suddenly fixed up - roads, street lights, drains, water pipes, etc.

VIPs that residents never dream they would ever meet will turn up. From the prime minister, deputy prime minister, and other ministers, down to civil service officials from the various ministries will come a-visiting in a continuous stream that will end only on polling day.

upgrading road in merlimau melakaEach minister will bring with him good tidings of 'instant allocation of funds' for 'instant projects', popularly known as 'instant noodle projects'. These allocations are for renovation or building new schools, mosques, temples, clinics, roads, bridges and even cash incentives for residents and government employees. You ask for it, and your wish will come true.

Needless to say, these expenses, which range from a few million to hundreds of million ringgit for each constituency, come from the pockets of taxpayers.

And of course, during the handing out of these goodies, residents never cease to be reminded who they must vote for. In fact, some of these promises are conditioned upon their electoral support and a Barisan Nasional (ruling coalition) win.

You may ask: aren't these bribery?

Of course they are. In fact, they are serious breaches of our election laws.

Dysfunctional election institutions

So what does our Election Commission do about this?

They do nothing. They will say these are government projects for the benefit of the people. Or if the bribery is too obvious, they will say this is none of their business. Their job is to conduct elections. For bribery and corruption, you will have to report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or the police. However, reports to MACC and police are never acted upon.

There is a proviso to this EC approach to election corruption though. That is, if the corruption is committed by BN. For BN's opponent, the slightest indication of a mis-step will incur the wrath of EC, as in the case of the recent Galas by-election in Kelantan.

azlanDuring that electioncampaign, the PAS spiritual leader handed out a few hundred ringgit 'wang zakat' (alms) to three newly converted aborigines. The deputy chairman of the EC immediately pounced on this and declared: “Alms or not, in the eyes of the law, any money given by anyone to voters that can sway their votes is considered a bribe under Article 10 of the Election Offences Act 1954”.

He said he had tipped off MACC to take action. Then, what about the millions of public funds poured out for 'instant noodle' projects by BN to buy votes? Aren't these bribery a thousand times more serious?

It is such double standards that incensed our common decency!

One may ask further: what about our courts? Can't they administer justice and defend our constitution?

To answer this question, let us take a look at the recent case of the Hulu Selangor by-election, reputed as the dirtiest, where the prime minister openly offered to pay RM3million to a locally-run school on condition that BN won. BN won and the PM promptly arranged for the government to pay the RM3million two days later.

NONEThe PM was so proud of what he did that he even bragged about it during the election campaign in the Sibu by-election that followed soon after. He made a 'deal' with Sibu electorate that BN would allocate RM5 million to overcome the local flood problems provided BN won the election.

To convince the electorate, he proudly cited his RM3million Hulu Selangor payment as proof of his 'trustworthiness'. (Incidentally, the PM's deal-making with the electorate was captured in video and uploaded on YouTube, where it was widely viewed around the world)

The losing candidate (Zaid Ibrahim) in the Hulu Selangor by-election applied to the court to annul the election results on ground of corruption. This petition was promptly thrown out by the judge (Azahar Mohamed) on ground of 'lack of evidence' without even asking BN to submit its defence.

Zaid decided not to appeal against this decision despite having iron-clad evidence of BN corruption, saying that our judiciary was such that it would be a waste of time and money to pursue further legal recourse.

People power reforms?

With the last defender of the constitution, the judiciary, also crumbling under the hegemony of BN, and all other institutions equally dysfunctional, BN is virtually given a blank cheque to do what it wants with no regards to law, as exhibited in the on-going by-elections in Kerdau and Merlimau, where the public is is introduced to a relatively new election culture - unique to Malaysia of course.

kerdau 1 malaysia dinner 270211 02Thousands of local residents are fed nightly with lavish dinners, stage shows, karaoke, complete with lucky draws that include motorcycles, TV sets, domestic appliances and numerous gifts - compliments of BN of course.

In the midst of these merry-makings, I wonder how many of the electorate realise how heavy their responsibility is when they cast their votes in a few days' time. Only they can restore some integrity to our electoral system which has now become a total farce.

And only through the votes of our people can we revive the democratic dreams of our founding fathers.

Without any avenue to institute reforms and make corrections through democratic means, there is only one way left - the people power reform like that currently raging in the Middle East.

KIM QUEK is a retired accountant and author of the banned book 'The March to Putrajaya'

Blatantly Bias EC Chairperson

Another reason why we need to kick out the BN Govt!
TO CHANGE THE EC Chairperson to a more unbias person. Not to mention a more qualified person who is an expert in Election Rules!

25 FEB 2011
Election Commission (EC) chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof refused to take a stand on whether dishing out 'goodies' in election campaigns flouts election laws.

NONEMet by reporters while visiting the Merlimau Polytechnic College, Abdul Aziz said that he was not an “expert” on the matter.

"I am not expert, we are not expert. There are court case also," he said.

This was despite that his commission having already conducted 12 general elections and scores of by-elections.

Abdul Aziz said this when asked about the mysterious 1Malaysia NGO, which surfaces during by-elections to organise dinner events and give out goodie bags which includes staple items such as tins of Milo, rice and condensed milk along with a poster of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

The 1Malaysia NGO's main target, the non-Malay voters, have been voting against BN in recent by-elections.

'Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu'

Abdul Aziz gave a similar response when asked about Najib's “you help me, I help you” remark uttered during a function at a field next to SRJK (C) Merlimau on Feb 19.

"As I said, I am not expert. I can't say this is definitely corruption. I don't know. (You can) collect evidence leave it to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

"I am not surprised if those who came for (free) food and get hampers are not voters.Let the agencies (who) specialises in this area check (the allegations)," he said.

"Campaigning has yet to begin. It starts tomorrow. Before that, it is not (considered) campaigning," he added.

NONEIt was reported bySin Chew Daily that Najib had told about 1,000 people gathered at the event that: “Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu (You help me, I help you)”.

This was first uttered during the Sibu by-election. Back then, Najib had promised to implement flood mitigation works only if BN won the contest. In the end, BN lost its grip of Sibu with a wafer-thin majority.

In the case of Merlimau, while Najib did not make any specific promises, he asked the voters to list out their demands.

Abdul Aziz said that it was difficult to define election bribery, citing the Hulu Selangor election petition filed by PKR candidate Zaid Ibrahim, who has since left the party.
The Elections Court dismissed the petition at the preliminary stage.

"It's hard to prove, therefore it was rejected,” explained Abdul Aziz.

The remark by Election Commission (EC) chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof that he "is no expert
" to judge whether the dishing out of campaign goodies flouts election laws has earned him more brickbats from civil society groups.

Election watchdog Bersih 2.0 chief Ambiga Sreenevasan cited specific laws to prove that EC has the power and responsibility to combat election corruption, and she decried that this has not been exercised by the EC.

On Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's "you help me, I help you" remark made during campaigning in at least two by-elections, Ambiga said this clearly came under section 10 of Election Offences Act 1954 (EOA).

This section defineNONEs inducement to voters during campaigning.

Ambiga said the EC has the responsibility to ensure that such incidents are brought to the attention of the authorities in order to ensure the free and fair conduct of elections.

However, Abdul Aziz (left)had refused to take a stand on the matter.

Although the power to prosecute lies with the Attorney-General's Chambers, Ambiga stressed that the EC must also do its part.

"The very least it can do is to lodge a police report," she toldMalaysiakini yesterday.

"Only then will members of the public believe that the EC is independent."

Najib had made the remark during the Sibu and Merlimau by-election campaigns, but Abdul Aziz has insisted that he is not an expert to consider this complaint.

"As I said, I am no expert. I can't say this is definitely corruption. I don't know. (You can) collect evidence leave it to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)," he had said when questioned.

bersih 21 charged in petaling jaya session court 230109 ambigaAmbiga (left) further pointed out that Section 115(2) of the federal constitution stipulates that 'all public authorities shall, on the request of the (EC), give the commission such assistance in the discharge of its duties as may be practicable'.

Added the former Bar Council president: "It also means the EC has to ask the public authorities to investigate the offences under the EOA. It has the responsibility to do this... the EC cannot wash its hands off the matter."

This is not the first time that the country's top election officer has appeared hazy when questioned about allegations of election-related corruption.

In an interview with Malaysiakini last July, Abdul Aziz said Najib's remark of "you help me, I help you" was not bribery because it had to be proved that voters had cast their ballot for the candidate because of the call.

Law losing its function

Ambiga also expressed disappointment that the role of enforcement teams set up by the EC during election campaigns has been confined to removing illegal and derogatory banners.

She reminded the EC that Section 27E(a) of the EOA empowers the enforcement team 'to patrol, and to monitor the activities of the candidates in its area of control to ensure that written laws relating to elections are being complied with' - and that this includes acts of corruption.

"NONEIf they (the candidates) don't comply, they must report it. The enforcement teams actually have the power to ensure compliance. They must show they mean business," said Ambiga.

The EC's paralysis, she said, has caused the EOA to lose the very function stated in the preamble of the Act - 'to prevent electoral offences and corrupt and illegal practices at elections'.

"In my recent memory, nobody has been charged under this law. What is the point of having it?"

Promises, not corruption

However, Transparency International (TI) Malaysia chapter president Paul Low took a different view of Najib's remark, saying that making election promises is not corrupt practice.

"If there is no exchange of money on the spot, it is just a campaign promise," Low said when contacted recently.

"It is very difficult to say this is corruption, as long as there is no handing over of cash. It is not clear-cut."

But he agreed with Ambiga that the EC does have certain powers under the current laws that are not being exercised.

"If they want, they can define what is election corruption. They can be independent, but they are not exercising it."

ti global corruption report 230909 paul lowLow (right) also pointed out that the election expenditure cap for candidates - RM200,000 for a parliamentary seat and RM100,000 for a state seat - is not effectively enforced by the EC.

"It seems that they have never investigated the expenditure cap after the candidates submit their accounts."

On election reform, Low suggested that the EC be given more teeth to define dos and don'ts during elections and the power to bring offenders to book, las is enjoyed by the MACC.

"In Thailand, the EC took the prime minister to court for over-spending."

Ambiga's and Low's wishes are not likely to be fulfilled, for Abdul Aziz in the interview with Malaysiakini had rejected any proposal to expand the EC's powers, saying the commission is "not Superman" to take up all tasks.

He wants the EC's main duties limited to managing and organising elections, preparing and revising the electoral roll and reviewing constituency boundaries.

Issues that still have not seen Justice!

1. Port Klang Free Zone scandal
2. Kugan murder
Altantuya's murder!
4. UMNO Youth assault on Kapal Singh in Parliament (JUSTICE SERVED..kind of!)
Malacca CM, Ali Rustam's corruption
6. Lingam Tape Case
8. Khir Toyo - Mansion, Disneyland and etc issues!
Kill Nizar blog/Utusan Malaysia death threat to Teresa Kok
10.Zakaria Md Deros Istana
11.Frogs, Mohd Jailu & Mohd Radzi corruption case
(the 2 has gotten acquitted!)
12.Penang Land Scam!
13.Abdul Razak Baginda Media Taboo
14.Najib's Submarine and Helicopter Scandal!
15.Elizabeth Wong's Picture Scandal
(BF still not arrested by police!)

16.Hindraf legal advisor P Uthayakumar still in ISA (JUSTICE SERVED!)

17.Private Investigator Bala's Injustice!
18.Prostitution of young girls and children
19. HumanTrafficking in Malaysia
20. Illegal VCDs/DVDs/Prostitution/Gambling in M'sia.
21. Najib's 50 million Bribery Case
22.Saiful not charge with Anwar for Sodomy
23.Bukit Antarabangsa landslide Victims!
24.M Indira Ghandi kidnapped daughter
25.Penan, Sarawak Women being sexually abuse!
26.Sujatha death (sammy vellu son's "assistant")
27. Turtle Eggs consumed by Sarawak's Police!
28. M'sian's Money lost through corrupt BN govt projects!
29. Taib's rape and plunder of Sarawak's wealth!
30. Utusan Malaysia racist article
31. RM300 million Gong Badak stadium
32. Teoh Beng Hock death
33. Selangor's BN assemblypersons spending 90.6 percent of the total state allocations within the first two months of this year.
34. Kg Buah Pala, Penang Land Scandal
35. Section 23 Muslim insulting Hindus
37. Mahkota Cheras Police Brutality
38. Biro Tata Negara - Racist Propaganda!
39. Auditor General Report 2009!
40.Churches being burned
41. 60% of Sarawak state fund diverted elsewhere

42. 2nd Finance Minister's P.Sec charge for corruption

43. Drop charges against Al-Islam magazine's journalists

44. Cow Head Protestors gets it easy from M'sia Courts

45. Najib gets away with bribery in Sibu!

46. Another death in Police custody. Krishnan!

47. Aminulrasyid Amzah Death in Police Custody

1 policeman gets 5 years in jail but this is pending appeal!

48. Police stole Chia Buang Hing money, and beat him up

49. Bernama cameraman Hairul Nizam Bahrin beaten by police.

50. 2011 Sarawak Election Scandals!

51. Ahmad Sarbani another MACC victim!

52.Police shooting youth on their knees!!!

53. Perak Constitutional Scandal!

54. Ibrahim Ali Immunity for Authorities

55. Justice for Baharuddin Ahmad

56. 6 PSM members under EO! (RELEASED)

57. Violent Demonstration in Penang

58. Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli gets away scot free!

59.Sinar Harian attack on Christians!

60.Native Land Grab in Sarawak!

61. Project IC in Sabah!

62. Gani Patail and Musa Hassan sins!

63. The National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal

64. ABU and Hindraf attacked my UMNO's Goons!

65. IPCMC dead in the water!

66. Gan Ee Seng vs Pahang Govt

67. Lynas Scandal

68. Police powerless against thugs in Klang (SMM)

69. Rela and Police Thuggery (victim S Mogan)

70. Lim Guan Eng's Son attacked by Pro UMNO bloggers


72. Strings of UMNO Thug's Violence!

73. Prove of Taib corruption in Sarawak! (29.)